Akoonu | Maximize Your Success Forecasting in Salesforce

Akoonu | Maximize Your Success Forecasting in Salesforce

Akoonu | Maximize Your Success Forecasting in Salesforce

Success Story: Teamworks

Success Story: Teamworks

Sales people do not want to use technology. They do not want to learn new systems. What they want is to go out and sell. Want to go deliver revenue.

And so we were really grateful for Akoonu because it lives right in Salesforce. They didn’t even know it was called Akoonu. They thought it was called ‘pipeline review’, because I can tell you it wasn’t always that way.

I used my own management dashboard. They had their own sales dashboard. They literally had different filters. Sometimes we would see different pieces of data. And I literally pull up Akoonu, and I say you can see that in our pipeline we added a million, and we dropped two hundred and fifty thousand, and we pushed out three hundred grand, and we pulled in a hundred.

And my preparation for that meeting is literally fifteen to twenty minutes. And so when we meet, our meetings are efficient.

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